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How should I be feeling now?

On the weekend before a major tournament there are no "shoulds". Everyone will have their own pre-event emotions, feelings and distractions. Its your job to use your routines and experience to complete your tournament preparation.

It would be nice to be feeling good about your game, excited about playing Amata Spring, and looking forward to a great week seeing how competitive your game is against a field of players who share your passion for the game.

Could Makes, Should Makes, Would be Wonderful to Makes

As you know, golf is a game of numbers, and expectations should be based firmly on the work that you have done, the capabilities that you have developed, and your understanding of what CAN be done on course. In putting we refer to "should" makes (putts that are easy to score 2 points on, with the target point being in the hole), "could" makes (putts that are possible to score 2 points on with "in" as the target, but your golf brain is wanting to negotiate a slightly more realistic target shape & size), and "would be nice" to makes (putts that are possible to score 2 points on as the target size and shape are in keeping with my 1m in capabilities, as the hole is included in the target shape).

We all can fall victim of trying to turn a could make into a should make. Recognise the reality of each shot making challenge, set targets that are within your capabilities, and work on executing to your standards. Let the results take care of themselves.

Where is your tournament prep focus right now? Are you pressing and trying to turn all the various parts of your game into "shoulds" or "need tos"?

A few days out from the tournament its very natural to feel a range of things - nervous, excited, unsure, comfortable, doubting, composed, rattled, patient, out of rhythm, loose, etc - and all within a 5 minute period of time!

Your routines and sub-routines provide the means of bringing structure into your final days of prep. Remember, creativity comes from structure. Busy yourself in fitting your routines into whatever it is that Amata Spring will give you. Find the ideas that Ray Floyd talks about in relation to tournament play on this website, and match his thinking against your mind set over the next 48 hours.

What is My Job Now?

Get there, unpack your suitcase, unpack your physical self, unpack your golf gear, unpack your game. Don't live in a suitcase all week for any of these aspects of your game. Establish your home away from home. Figure out how to get into your daily routine as quickly as possible.

Go and scout the venue. Find out where the tournament office is, where Nick Shan will be based, where Mike McClellan will be providing briefings and updates. Check your travel times to the course, and how long it takes from car park to clubhouse to short game area to practice fairway.

Get into the rhythm of the event. Get into your own rhythms. Plan your practice days to minimise distractions and maximise your work flow. Have a plan for each session.

Work out and execute your hydration management plan. Find places around the clubhouse and practice areas where you can get away from distractions and chill out. Get excited about putting together one of the best tournament preparation weeks you have ever had. Leave the expectations for someone else, and set about the process of working to your standards - the standards that pay respect to the hard work you have done to get there.

What are some of the dumbest things to do before Thursday?

Experience says that there are a few things that are better left for someone else to do. Things like:

- focus on what others are doing and change your game / swing / routine / rhythm

- question whether you have a right to be there - lets take it a day at a time, one hole at a time, one shot at a time - you have done the work, your game was invited to be there

- let the distractions control your time management

- leave some key aspects of your preparation so late that they risk not getting done - remember the likelihood of rain interruptions

- continue a "situation" with someone or something from home - park it, manage it when you are in a better position to more effectively deal with it - when you are on 7, you can't replay your approach to 2

What are some of the smartest things to do before Thursday?

Experience also says that there are quite a few things that should (there's that word again) be done by Thursday. Things like:

- debrief each day's work by asking yourself "what worked, what didn't work, and what have I achieved in my event prep today?" - make notes, make decisions, adjust schedules, allow for improved distraction management

- take possession of the parts of the practice areas and course that have most importance for your game - get your attitude right to the shots you know you can play and to the ones that may challenge you

- fine tune the rhythm of your play systems - your walk as a transition from riding in carts to playing golf shots, late round swing speed & rhythm when hot and tiring

- establish your tee shot take off line targets - trees, edges of bunkers, buildings, etc

- sharpen your focus on each shot, get into the mentality of stringing together quality shots (strings of 2 point shots) - aim to set some new "personal bests" in 2 point strings, either in sequences of shots, or say across tee shots

How can I re-set my focus after a distraction?

This website has been designed to give you the kinds of resources that can help you "come back to base" if you get distracted or rattled. There will be regular blogs like this one aimed at helping you get your mind set right. Develop daily schedules, "to do" lists, and routines around your meals, people and places to check in with through the day. Give yourself the best chance to focus on doing what you do best by switching off your socials, or at least programming controllable time each day to check in and respond. Develop an attitude that says that anyone who is demanding of my time in an unstructured way does not appreciate who I am and how important this week is to me. Be disciplined, systematic, and look to be productive.


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