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Tips to make the best of your next networking opportunity

Updated: Aug 9, 2019

Every golf tournament is a chance to meet new friends, potential business contacts, people who share your passion about golf, and in doing so expand your personal and professional networks.

Perhaps you already have a contacts list on your computer or your mobile device. Have you ever gone to a golf tournament with a goal to add significantly to that list? Do you add categories to your contact list that might remind you where you met that person, what they might represent for your future in the golf industry, and how you might best follow up the contact when you get back home?

Personal and professional networks can be like your 15th, 16th and even 17th clubs indoor bag. You will be amazed at how easy it is to foster relationships around this sport, and more importantly how long term these friendships and connections can be throughout your life.

Some of the best networkers I know still take the time to hand write a brief message to the people they have added to their networks recently or who they have come back across at a recent event. The personal touch a hand written note represents goes a long way to making lasting impressions with people.

The value of a smile, firm handshake and remembering a name

People remember you from the way you present yourself early in a relationship, such as the first time you meet or are introduced. Always be genuine, but look to show how interested that you are in how or why that individual is at the tournament. Ask where they come from, how long they have played golf, what their favourite hole is on this course.

Spend some time each evening going through your notes and memories of the day, and transcribe any contacts, names, business cards, telephone numbers or email addresses into your contacts list. There are lots of contacts system available as apps, programs, or even online records. One of them will suit you.

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