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Scoring Rules & Wisdom

Find something that works for you


Understand it


Own it


Get good at it


Don't mess with it


Don't watch others & think you have to be / play like them

3 Jobs on the course


1 - Get It In Play


2 - Set up an Opportunity to have 1 Less


3 - Control the Speed of the Ball at the Hole

It is far more important to be decisive than correct

Brad Faxon

Never experiment on the golf course


Don't compound the error

It's not worth anything until

you pick it up out of the hole

What is the architect trying to make me do here?

Ray Floyd - Scoring Hard Man


1.Play comfortable


Find out your best possible golf, and play for a little less


Play for what you know you can do instead of what you hope you can do


Take what the golf course gives you


2. Avoid the big mistake


The easiest way to shoot lower scores is to avoid making higher ones

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